Saturday, January 30, 2016

Vzestup a úpadek módních blogů


The era of digital media associated with phenomenom of Web 2.0 has brought many changes. Emphasis on interactivity, de-professionalization, cooperation and sharing open new opportunities to express our own ideas and engage the journalistic process. All this combined with the concept of „produsage.“ A typical example of the new ideal of selfexpression with the potential of profit is an online diary called blog. I focused on the issues of fashion blogs. What is behind the success? And why are czech blogs on the decline?
Key Words

fashion bloggers, Web 2.0, Instagram, new media, fashion magazines 
Klíčová studie

DUFFY, Brooke Erin a Emily HUND. „Having it All“ on Social Media. Enterpreneurial Feminity and Self-Branding Among Fashion Bloggers. Social media + society. 2015, 1(1), 1-11.

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