Postavení mužů a žen si nebylo dlouhá staletí rovné. Diskriminace žen však měla v moderních způsobech komunikace pomalu vymizet. Internet se měl stát místem, kde budou slova a myšlenky hodnoceny pouze na základě jejich podstaty a nikoliv podle toho, zda je vyřknul muž či žena. Tento text vychází ze studie Longitudinal gender and age bias in a prominent amateur new media community. V té američtí výzkumníci Jonathan Warren, Sharon Stoerger a Ken Kelley zkoumali chování 300.000 uživatelů webu Newgrounds.com. Jejich výzkum se zaměřil na pohlaví a věk uživatelů webu a na interakce mezi členy této komunity. Druhá část textu pak ověřuje výsledky americké studie pomocí kvantitativního výzkumu facebookového profilu deníku Metro. Závěr práce pak patří úvaze o zlepšujícím se postavení žen na internetu.
Roles of men and women were never equal throughout the history. But there were hopes that male bias would disappear in modern means of communication. The Internet was supposed to become a place where ideas and words would be evaluated on their basis alone, without taking gender into question. This text stems from the „Longitudinal gender and age bias in a prominent amateur new media community“ study in which Jonathan Warren, Sharon Stoeger and Ken Kelley observed the behaviour of 300.000 users of the site Newgrounds.com. Their research focused on gender and age of its users and their interactions. Second part of this text then attests the findings of this study using a quantitative research of Metro daily’s Facebook profile page. The conclusion of this work discusses the improving situation of women on the internet.
Warren, Jonathan; Stoerger, Sharon; Kelley, Ken. “Longitudinal Gender and Age Bias in a Prominent Amateur New Media Community,” New Media and Society, February 2012, Vol. 14, No. 1, 7-27. doi: 10.1177/1461444811410390. Dostupné z: http://nms.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/06/15/1461444811410390.full.pdf+html
Roles of men and women were never equal throughout the history. But there were hopes that male bias would disappear in modern means of communication. The Internet was supposed to become a place where ideas and words would be evaluated on their basis alone, without taking gender into question. This text stems from the „Longitudinal gender and age bias in a prominent amateur new media community“ study in which Jonathan Warren, Sharon Stoeger and Ken Kelley observed the behaviour of 300.000 users of the site Newgrounds.com. Their research focused on gender and age of its users and their interactions. Second part of this text then attests the findings of this study using a quantitative research of Metro daily’s Facebook profile page. The conclusion of this work discusses the improving situation of women on the internet.
Warren, Jonathan; Stoerger, Sharon; Kelley, Ken. “Longitudinal Gender and Age Bias in a Prominent Amateur New Media Community,” New Media and Society, February 2012, Vol. 14, No. 1, 7-27. doi: 10.1177/1461444811410390. Dostupné z: http://nms.sagepub.com/content/early/2011/06/15/1461444811410390.full.pdf+html
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