Práce se z velké části opírá o studii
autorek Fletcherové a Blairové s názvem Implications of the family expert role for parental rules regarding
adolescent use of social technologies, která zkoumá vztah mezi rodičovskou
gramotností v rámci sociálních technologií a respektováním jimi
stanovených pravidel užití těchto technologií jejich vlastními potomky. Daný
text sumarizuje a hodnotí tuto studii a pokouší se zkoumanou problematiku
zasadit do kontextu České republiky. Velký důraz je v eseji dále kladen na
rizika, která plynou z užívání těchto technologií adolescenty a na kroky,
které mohou rodiče učinit, aby jejich potomci těmto rizikům mohli předcházet.
The paper is in its great part
based on the study conducted by authors Anne C. Fletcher and Bethany L. Blair
titled Implications of the family expert
role for parental rules regarding adolescent use of social technologies. The
study investigates the connection between a parental literacy regarding the
use of social technologies and a respect for the rules concerning the use of
these technologies set by the parents and acknowledged by their children. The
paper attempts to summarize and evaluate the study and to set it in the context
of the Czech Republic. A great emphasis is placed upon a possible risks arising
from the use of social technologies by adolescents and upon possible steps that
could be taken by their parents to avoid these risks.
Zdrojová studie:
FLETCHER, Anne C. a Bethany L. BLAIR. Implications of the family expert
role for parental rules regarding adolescent use of social technologies. New
Media [online]. 2016, 18(2), 239-256 [cit. 2016-01-27].
DOI: 10.1177/1461444814538922. ISSN 1461-4448. Dostupné z: http://nms.sagepub.com/cgi/doi/10.1177/1461444814538922
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