Rozbor studie “It Gets Better”:
Internet memes and the construction of collective identity
práce obsahuje detailní deskripci odborné studie s názvem “It Gets Better”: Internet memes and the
construction of collective identity napsanou autory Noamem Galem, Limor
Shifmanovou a Zoharem Kampfem z The hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Studie se zabývá problematikou kolektivní identity, LGBTQ komunitou a fenoménem
internetových memů. Práce je doplněná také o teoretický základ získaný z odpovídající
My paper
consists of detailed description of study called “It Gets Better”: Internet memes and the construction of collective
identity written by Noam Gal, Limor Shifman, Zohar Kampf from The hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Israel. The study is dealing with the problem of
collective identity, LGBTQ comunity and the phenomen od Internet memes. This
work contains also theoretical knowledge based on literature
Zdroj článku:
Gal, N., L. Shifman, and Z. Kampf. 2016. “"it Gets
Better": Internet Memes And The Construction Of Collective Identity”.
Online. New Media 18 (8): 1698-1714. doi:10.1177/1461444814568784.
Autor: Marie Majerová
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