Sunday, May 25, 2014

Propagace značek alkoholu a „pijící kultura“ na Facebooku

This article is about promoting brand of alcohol on social network Facebook. Marketing communication is growing in last few years on the internet, especially on Facebook. Communication on social media has changed. This study is written by Nicholas Carahen, Sven Brodmerk and Loren Hernandez and is based on situation in Australia in between years 2011 and 2013. Analyze was published in May 2014 in Convergence. Research is based on an activity of big alcoholic brands. The idea is that young people are creative on social networks, it is about changing from users to consumers a producers. 

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  1. Good article... keep-up the good work... May I share an article about Florence from Piazza Michelangelo in
    Watch the video in youtube

  2. Já si nemyslím, že by byla na Facebooku nějaká pijící kultura. A jestli byla, tak s ní Facebook zatočil. Já si tam nedávno dával fotku s pivem Rampušák, které jsem pořídil v akční slevě a Facebook mi to zamítl s tím, že je to právě propagace alkoholu. Jasně, kdysivá byly ty challenge o pití piva na ex a tak, ale tak to se teď stejně jen přesunulo na TikTok. ;-)
