Monday, June 16, 2014

Vliv SMS na jazyk a jazykové znalosti mladých lidí


This paper focuses on the relationship between the language used in SMS and the standard language. It argues if there is an influence of SMS on the language knowledge of young people. The original study (which this paper is based on) carried out in the English-speaking environment proved that the more text messages a teenager sends or receives, the less points s/he achieves in the grammar test. These results are confronted with the opinions of linguists David Crystal and Naomi Baron who doubt the influence of SMS and CMC on language, claiming people are aware of the rules and break them deliberately, but still are able to distinguish between formal and informal communication codes. The paper introduces also the situation in the Czech Republic on the example of Zdenka Hladka’s research. It turned out that the mistakes young people make in their personal correspondence are independent on the type of the medium (letter, e-mail, SMS). The own study performed for this paper showed that there was not any significant relationship between the number of the sent and received messages and the score in the grammar test.  

Odkaz na zdrojovou studii:

CINGEL, Drew P.; SUNDAR, S. Shyam. „Texting, techspeak, and tweens: The relationship between text messaging and English grammar skills.“ New Media & Society. Volume 14, Number 8. [online]. 22. 11. 2012. [cit. 5. 6. 2014]. Dostupné z WWW <>.

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