Thursday, June 28, 2012

Smrt veřejně známé osobnosti a následné projevy emocí na YouTube

Abstract: The essay analyses an article Exploring emotional expressions on YouTube through the lens of media system dependency theory by Chei Sian Lee. The study investigates the role of social networking & video-sharing site (YouTube) in expressing emotions. The event that emotions are expressed to is death of a famous person, Michael Jackson. The author tries to reveal what emotions are expressed and which factors influence these expressions. In theory, the study is based on Media System Dependency theory.

Moreover, I try to applicate some of the methods used in Lee´s study on an event that happenned in the Czech context. As this event I have chosen the death of a famous Czech singer Waldemar Matuška. In the conclusion, I try to compare the differencies between expressing emotions about both cases.

Zdrojový článek: LEE, Chei Sian: Exploring emotional expressions on YouTube through the lens of media system dependency theory. New Media & Society 2012, 14: 457 – 475 [online]. 2011 [cit 28. 6. 2012]. Dostupné z

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